It’s not just a world-class healthcare system. It’s the largest nonprofit employer in the region. And with a limited talent pool to recruit from, how do we help BJC stand out as not only the biggest, but the best employer? How do we translate world-class care to world-class careers?

The organization was mainly known by its many disparate parts – clinics, hospitals, outpatient facilities and more. The community didn’t fully understand or appreciate that BJC was the connection between these entities.

So, as part of a strategic transformation into one integrated healthcare system, BJC asked us to help them define their renewed, integrated BJC employer brand to set context for the new culture, more deeply engage their existing 30,000 team members, and to attract new talent.


We believe in data-driven strategies and strategy-driven creative.

To ensure our creative meets this philosophy, we always begin with a deep-tissue discovery process, including stakeholder interviews, competitive research, a scan of public dialogue and a review of existing data. We also develop unique SWOT analyses and perception maps to inform our recommendations.

We then distill this information into one overarching brand promise, supported heavily by the brand’s differentiators and reasons to believe the promise. For BJC, that brand promise married personal career goals with the advancement of our region: “Building a career with BJC promises the greatest opportunities to advance yourself and your entire community.”

Careers Website

We simplified the design and user experience of the careers page to make it easier to apply for the wide variety of positions available at BJC. The fresh, new website gave voice to the employer brand’s inclusivity and excellence attributes with headlines like “World-Class Health Care At Work” and “You Belong Here.”


The diversity groups within BJC – BJC Connections – needed a rebrand to go with the fresh new Careers look-and-feel. To meet this need, we created a logo system that celebrates the 8 different Connections groups (and their interconnected nature) using an elongated, circular infinity symbol.

Each Connection group had their own personalized color to highlight their unique contributions to BJC’s workforce.

Strength Within

2020 was hard on everyone. But it was especially hard on nurses.

In the wake of the pandemic, BJC needed to recruit nurses more than ever before. A challenge even before COVID-19, this campaign needed to work even harder to communicate the brand promise and ensure all the facilities had equal weight throughout the creative.

As such, we developed the Strength Within concept – one that demonstrates  how BJC employees find strength within BJC through tuition assistance, professional development, excellence and community outreach. To concisely convey that idea, we developed a headline system where we find strength-related words within words related to employment – such as OPPORTUNITY AWAITS.

Super Bowl Commercial

While competitor recruitment ads continued to use stale “pandemic hero” imagery and messaging, we wanted to demonstrate how BJC gives nurses more — for their families, communities and careers. But we also didn’t want to avoid acknowledging the pandemic, since that would come across as aloof or insincere. And finally, we had to tell this story without being able to step foot inside any facilities per COVID restrictions.

The spot was aired regionally during the Super Bowl.


To capture the performance of the campaign, we developed a microsite to make applying even easier. With quick, iconographic facts that explained BJC’s core values – and the benefits that backed them up – this microsite took the guesswork out of navigating an otherwise labyrinthine network of careers subpages.

You Campaign

Commercials for the YOU campaign used personal narratives of BJC employees to deliver on the human element of the brand promise. In partnership with our Nitrous Effect sister agency Vidzu Media, we created 4 commercials highlighting employees from different departments and walks of life to celebrate how our individual uniqueness makes a difference for our community – and that 30K “you’s” make a better “our.”